We’re here to ensure that your exterior surfaces are sparkling. That’s why we provide pressure washing services. Pressure washing is simply the most effective, most efficient way to clean your deck, your patio, your driveway, and the facade of your home. But at the end of the day, our services don’t extend to the interior of your home. However, we’re going to take a moment today to provide some tips to keep your interior spaces as clean as your Big-Clean-power-washed exteriors (we’ll be continuing this blog stream in upcoming articles, by the way, so check back for more tips!).
Your Garage

Your garage is the junk drawer of your home. And it’s the place you store dirty tools, dirty cars, and dirt for your garden. When it gets too much to bear, it’s time to set aside the afternoon (or the weekend) aside to clean up.
Cutting Clutter
You have 13 projects sitting stagnant on your workbench. You have six power tools that don’t work. You have two power tools that do. Your floor is more sawdust than concrete. You’ve parked your car on the corner of your driveway for the past eight years. It’s more than time to reclaim your garage. Here’s our advice. Invest in shelving. Invest in a shop vac. You can opt to install shelving into the studs that line your walls; or you might prefer to install overhead storage to keep your seasonal gear and garb above head. Wall shelving is easy access, but ceiling shelving might be less of an eyesore.
When it comes to sawdust, leaves, dirt, ash, sand, spiders, and anything else that finds its way to the dark corners of your garage, a shop vac is a must. If you have a small garage, a small, inexpensive shop vac will likely do. However, if you have a large garage, or if you dedicate your free time to carpentry, you may have extra demand to tackle the dust around your space.
If dust pile-up is extreme, it might be best to integrate your shop vac into your garage with a series of hoses. Shop vac hoses can be fitted with splinters and caps to make garage clean up a breeze. Plus, several modern carpentry power tools include dust collectors that can be fitted to the hose of your shop vac.
Your Kitchen

Your kitchen can be a breeding ground for smelly bacteria. Your kitchen trash can can be a pit of filth. But that’s an easy solution: Take it out! What should you do if you have a stinky sink?
The Sink Stink
You forgot to turn on the disposal after last night’s dishes, and now the sink smells like a pig sty. What are you to do? Well, when life gives you lemons, use them to get rid of sink stink. Squeeze a lemon or two worth of lemon juice down the drain. The acid will destroy bacteria and cut that smell. You can even send small lemon wedges down the drain if you have a disposal. Flip the garbage disposal on with the wedges in the drain (hands away from the drain of course), and voila! The smell should be a thing of the past!
Well, that’s our advice for the day! Check back soon and for more tips on cleaning the interior of your home, all thanks to Big Clean, your exterior pressure washing service here in Charlotte, North Carolina!